I Am JFK Jr.

I Am JFK Jr., 1970

7.2 1970.01.01上映
I Am JFK Jr. - A Tribute to a Good Man is an homage to America's fallen prince and the Kennedy legacy. It is the story of a young man destined for greatness| butdetermined to be good in a world filled with high expectations. Featuring cinematically shot interviews with John's friends ranging from the famous| like Robert DeNiro and Cindy Crawford| to the controversial| like Mike Tysonand Larry Flynt; from media stars like Christiane Amanpour| Chris Cuomo| Paul Begala| and Ann Coulter|to close friends like Grateful Dead songwriter John Perry Barlow and New York restaurateur Richie Notar| John's former Chief of Staff RoseMarie Terenzio| andcolleagues at John's pioneering George Magazine Gary Ginsberg and Matt Berman.President Ronald Reaganâ€TMs son Michael Reagan and author Doug Wead talk aboutthe destinies of presidential children| actor Kristoffer Polaha talks about the man he played on screen| while authors Christopher Andersen and Laurence Leamer offerbackground on the ...